Active UNDELETE Enterprise 8.0.99 Full


Active@ UNDELETE is a powerful data recovery software that helps you to recover deleted files and restore deleted partitions. #

Using Active@ UNDELETE, you can:
Recover deleted files and folders
Restore deleted partitions
Create a Disk Image for safe data restoration
Perform an Advanced Scan and organize the result using Logical Drive and Device Scan View
Perform batch file recovery
Virtually reconstruct broken or disassembled RAID arrays
Restore data from damaged RAID arrays
Edit disk content with Hex Editor
Preview deleted files before restoring
Ability to organize/rename files after recovery with Active@ Organizer utility

Supports : Windows XP / VISTA / Windows 7 / 2003&2008 Server Operating Systems.


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Password MediaFire : Bembeng_My_Blog

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