Total Commander 8.01 Full


Total Commander (former Wincmd) is a file manager for Windows similar to the Windows Explorer. But Total Commander uses a different approach: it has two fixed windows side by side like a well-known file manager for DOS. #

Two file windows side by side
Multiple language and Unicode support
Enhanced search function
Compare files (now with editor) / synchronize directories
Quick View panel with bitmap display
ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE archive handling + plugins
Built-in FTP client with FXP (server to server) and HTTP proxy support
Parallel port link, multi-rename tool
Tabbed interface, regular expressions, history+favorites buttons
Thumbnails view, custom columns, enhanced search
Compare editor, cursor in lister, separate trees, logging, enhanced overwrite dialog etc.
Unicode names almost everywhere, long names (>259 characters), password manager for ftp and plugins, synchronize empty dirs, 64 bit context menu, quick file filter (Ctrl+S)
New: USB port connection via special direct transfer cable, partial branch view (Ctrl+Shift+B), and many imporvements to ftp, synchronizing and other functions
And many more!


Password Rar : Total Commander 8.01

Password MediaFire : Bembeng_My_Blog

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